The technical diagnostic file, provided by the seller, must inform the purchaser of certain characteristics of the property sold. This file is presented to the buyer as soon as the sales agreement is signed and, failing that, the bill of sale.
- The energy performance diagnosis (EPD) is valid for 10 years. It evaluates the energy consumed by the housing (insulation, heating, hot water, air conditioning ...).
- The parasitic state, valid for 6 months, informs about the presence of termites if the housing is located in a risk zone.
- The state of natural, mining and technological risks (risk of floods, seismic, industrial, chemical ...) is valid for 6 months. It must be provided if the property is located in an area covered by a natural, mining or technological risk prevention plan, or in a seismic zone.
- The statement of risk of exposure to lead is given for housing built before 1949. It is valid for one year in case of presence of lead and if not, its validity is unlimited.
- The condition relating to the presence of asbestos is mandatory for property built before 1 July 1997. Its validity is unlimited.
- Diagnosis of gas and electricity installations older than 15 years must be carried out and is valid for 3 years.
- The non-collective sanitation installation requires the provision of a certificate of conformity and good functioning of less than 3 years.
- The footage of the area in "Carrez law" must be made for the sale of an apartment.
All these documents will be provided to the notary when selling your apartment or your house.